The Laboratory of Integrative Nutrition and Neurobiology, NutriNeuro, is a mixed research unit (UMR 1286) under the supervision of INRA (Human Nutrition and Animal Genetics Departments) and Bordeaux University,which is affiliated with Bordeaux NPI (National Polytechnic Institute).

Understanding the links between nutrition and cerebral functions

NutriNeuro researchers aim to understand the links between nutrition and cerebral functions, in order to relate dietary habits that help maintain the wellbeing of individuals and protect them from developing both functional and emotional brain pathologies. Those complex issues are approached by various scientific fields (from the molecular sciences to the behavioural ones) and by translational research (from preclinical trials to human ones, and vice versa). 

Fifty-fourscientists, physicians and students from the fields of Neuroscience and Nutrition, with supplementary and complementary expertise in behavioural sciences, neurophysiology, biochemistry, cell and molecular neurobiology, psychology, psychiatry, experimental and medical endocrinology, work in NutriNeuro. Its progress relies on efficient experimental systems and on access to technological platforms belonging to Bordeaux University (BIC, Biochemistry platform, proteomics, flow cytometer...).


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